Doosan SMX 2600 mill-turn machine

February 21 / 2022

Featuring a new ergonomic and orthogonal design which won the series the prestigious RED DOT Product Design Award in 2013, the machine has an impressive technical specification.

Capacity – SMX 2600: up to 12” chuck with 81mm bar diameter

Max turning length: up to 1540mm

Main Spindle power/speed: up to 30kW/4,000rpm

Sub-spindle model:26kW/4000rpm

Y-axis: up to 300mm (+150/-150mm)

B-axis: up to 18.5kW/12,000rpm (240 degrees)

Milling capability:26kW/12,000rpm

Tool changer:40/80 position

Tailstock: Servo-driven

Control: Fanuc 31i